Individual follow-up
For women 14 years of age and older and those who identify as women who have experienced sexual violence.
Individual meetings are offered to women 14 years of age and older and all those who identify themselves as women.
Lasting approximately one hour per week, they allow the survivor to work on one or more of the impacts of sexual assault, based on the objectives determined by the survivor.
These meetings also allow us to evaluate with the woman if the support group is a suitable option and to refer her to other services if necessary.
Support group
Because we believe in the "By and For" approach.
As a safe place to share, the groups allow survivors to develop a sense of solidarity, to share their experiences and grow together.
They are offered to survivors 14 years of age and older. A group for young women aged 14 to 18 is also available. They are made up of survivors of sexual assault and two counsellors. The groups are 2 hours per week (day or evening).
Like the individual meetings, the groups allow participants to work on one or more of the impacts of sexual assault, based on the objectives they have set for themselves. Several themes related to sexual violence suffered by women are also discussed.
Information and awareness session (coming soon)
In order to put an end to sexual violence, it is essential to raise public awareness.
CALACS Longueuil will carry out various awareness and information activities in schools (high school, college and university) and with professionals from different backgrounds (community, government and business).
This will be done through the sharing of accurate and relevant information as well as through critical discussions on the issue to sensitize the population to the myths and prejudices circulating in our society.
Soutien aux proches
Les proches d'une survivante d'agression à caractère sexuel peuvent être affecté de différentes manière suite au dévoilement. La qualité du soutien qu'ils apportent à la survivante peut aussi avoir un impact important sur le cheminement de cette dernière.
C'est pourquoi nous accompagnons également les proches dans leurs démarches.
Des groupes d'information et de soutien sont offert à raison de 3 rencontres consécutives. Ces ateliers permettent aux proches de comprendre ce que la survivante traverse et leur offre des outils afin de mieux l'accompagner dans cette épreuve. Des soutiens ponctuels avec une intervenante sont également disponibles.